More Lalan Ke Moeran by Motimala Bholasing Translated & Transliterated

More Lalan Ke Moeran by Motimala Bholasing Translated & Transliterated Thanks to Karan Menon

More Lalan Ke Moeran is a sohar, a traditional Bhojpuri folk song celebrating the birth of a child sung by Indo-Surinamese singer Motimala Bholasing. The songs concerns the “moeran”(mundan in Hindi), the ritual first haircut of a Hindu infant. The lyrics are fairly simple to understand and contain a lot of repetition, so this is a great song to listen to as someone who is a beginner in Caribbean Hindustani or new to Indo-Caribbean culture. Keep your eye out for wordspertaining to the family.

बाजे बधाइयाँ,  अरे बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Give the congratulations, give the congratulations

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (3x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

बाजे बधाइयाँ,  की बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Give the congratulations, give the congratulations (to the child)

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (3x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

मूरन कराने आये ललना के आजा, मूरन कराने आये ललना के आजी (2x)

The little one’s paternal grandfather came to do the moeran. The little one’s paternal grandmother came to do the moeran.

उनकर पोता के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर  पोतीं नांदिन के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their grandson’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their granddaughter’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मूरन कराने आये ललना के नाना, मूरन कराने आये ललना के नानी (2x)

The little one’s maternal grandfather came to do the moeran. The little one’s maternal grandmother came to do the moeran.

उनकर नाती के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर नातिन के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their grandson’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their granddaughter’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

मूरन कराने आये ललना के पूवा, मूरन कराने आये ललना के पूफा

The little one’s aunt (father’s sister) came to do the moeran. The little one’s uncle (father’s sister’s husband) came to do the moeran.

मूरन कराने आये ललना के काका, मूरन कराने आये ललना के काकी

The little one’s uncle (father’s brother) came to do the moeran. The little one’s aunt (father’s brother’s wife) came to do the moeran.

उनकर बेटा के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर बेटी के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their son’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their daughter’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

मूरन कराने आये ललना के मौसी, मूरन कराने आये ललना के मौसा

The little one’s aunt (mother’s sister) came to do the moeran. The little one’s uncle (mother’s sister’s husband) came to do the moeran.

मूरन कराने आये ललना के मामा, मूरन कराने आये ललना के मामी

The little one’s uncle (mother’s brother) came to do the moeran. The little one’s aunt (mother’s brother’s wife) came to do the moeran.

उनकर बहिने के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर बहिने के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their nephew’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their niece’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

बाजे बधाइयाँ,  की बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Give the congratulations, give the congratulations (to the child)

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (3x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

Notes: Family related words are among the few Caribbean Hindustani nouns that may distinguish between gender. Male and female nouns referring to family members can sometimes be differentiated by the endings -a and -i (nana/aaja being a grandfather, and nani/aaji being a grandmother). However, if the male noun ends with an -i, the female counterpart ends with an -in (naati being grandson, naatin being granddaughter). You’ll see some male words ending in -a whose female counterpart ends with an -in as well (i.e. dulaha for groom, dulahin for bridge).

The words pota and naati are synonymous (meaning grandson) as are the words potin and naatin (meaning granddaughter)

Also, Bhojpuri does not have a unique word to represent niece and nephew, so beta (son) and beti (daughter) are used to represent the parent-like relationship between aunt/uncle and niece/nephew. The word bahine, which comes from the word for sister, also means both niece and nephew. However, with the influence of Hindi, bhateej and bhateejin are also used to represent nephew and niece respectively.

Bahuwa Chaleli (1985) by Sundar Popo Translated & Transliterated

Bahuwa Chaleli (1985) by Sundar Popo Translated & Transliterated Thanks to Karan Menon

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।  (2x)

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

महलो में रोवे तू महलो में रोवे (2x)

You’re crying in the big building/house.

देहरी में सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे

My beloved was seen suskaying (sobbing) while crying with her head on the earthen pot

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

कोटे में रोवे कोठारिया में रोवे।(2x)

You’re crying in the coat, you’re crying in the closet/chamber

सहजे के सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

My beloved was seen suskaying(sobbing) while crying with her head on the bed

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

बाघों में रोवे बगीचों में रोवे।(2x)

You’re crying in the parks, you’re crying in the gardens

निंबुला में सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

My beloved was seeing suskaying (sobbing) while crying with her head on the lemon tree

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

सेजिया में रोवे सजरिया में रोवे (2x)

You’re crying on the bed, you’re crying on the marital bed

तकिया में सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

My beloved was seeing suskaying (sobbing) while crying with her head on the pillow

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying