Balamwa Re by Heeralal Rampartap // Transliterated and Translated by Karan Menon (@_karanmenon_ on Instagram)

Balamwa Re is a chutney classic by Trinidadian singer Heeralal Rampartap. The song is from a perspective of a man whose beloved comes to his village to visit. The song has been covered on many occasions by artists including Ashni Matadin and Surinamese band The Eagles, and was notably remixed by Rampartap and Dr. Tunes in 2019.

बलमवा रे मोरा गऊँवा में अइले 

O my beloved, you came to my town

गऊँवा में अइले, गऊँवा में अइले  

Came to my town, came to my town

कनकियन से मार के हमके बोलइले

She called me by hitting me with kites

अरे मीठीमीठी बतिया सुरतिया गवइले 

And her sweet words and beautiful appearance came and went

बलमवा रे मोरा गऊँवा में अइले 

O my beloved, you came to my town

गऊँवा में अइले, गऊँवा में अइले  

Came to my town, came to my town

झूलना में बलमा हमके झुलावे 

My beloved will swing me in a swing

और प्यारवाली गितवा हमके सुनावे 

and she will have me listen to love songs

बलमवा रे मोरा गऊँवा में अइले 

O my beloved, you came to my town

गऊँवा में अइले, गऊँवा में अइले  

Came to my town, came to my town

बघिया में बलमा हमके घुमावे 

My beloved will take me around in the garden

अपने हाथो से हमके मिठाइया खिआवे  

and she will feed me sweets with her hands

बलमवा रे मोरा गऊँवा में अइले 

O my beloved, you came to my town

गऊँवा में अइले, गऊँवा में अइले  

Came to my town, came to my town

Hindustani Words and Definitions

balam (balamwa) – beloved, sweetheart

gaon (gaonwa) – town

kanakiya – kite

bolaawe – to call someone

meethi – sweet

baat (batiya) – words/talk

surat (suratiya) – appearance

jhulna – swing

jhulaawe – to swing

bagh – garden

mithai (mithaiya) – sweets

khiaawe – to feed