Shubh Holi from Caribbean Hindustani!

Shubh Holi from Caribbean Hindustani!

In a country like T&T, we celebrate our cultural heritage and identity without fully appreciating the reason. The pink and yellow Poi are in full blossom around the same time of year after Ash Wednesday and the Lenten Fast and Hindus celebrate the Festival of Color, Holi or Phagwa. Are these events of color related? Yes, it’s Spring.

Living in a tropical paradise, we do not fully appreciate how we still continue to celebrate festivals based on a temperate change of season and how much it influences our cultural identity.

Today is Holi, when Hindus celebrate good over evil as represented in the transition point of the complete end of winter and the height of spring. The colorful powder gulāl and a color liquid called abīr are used to smear faces and drench our white clothing in the colors of spring. The religious significance to Hindus as told in the Hindu sacred books of the Puranas (Sacred Old Text), the appearance of the Divine Lord Vishnu as Narasingh (The Half Man Half Lion Avatar) who killed the evil Asura King Hiranyakashyap (The One Clad in Gold). This king’s son, Prahalad was a devotee of Lord Vishnu whom his father envied. He had the child sit on a pyre on the lap of the boy’s aunt, Holika, who was supposed to be protected by a magical veil. As the pyre was set ablaze, a wind blew the veil on the child and saved him. His father’s sister was burned to death. To save Prahalad from the king’s envious wrath, Vishnu appears as Narasingh killing the evil child’s father and releasing his unjust subjugation on his people. Thus, in spring we celebrate this triumph of good over evil, the end of the cold winter, and the arrival of the season of flower blossoms and sunlight full of color.

Shubh Holi from Caribbean Hindustani!

Balama (2017) by Drupatee Translated & Lyrics

Balama (2017) by Drupatee

Queen of Chutney Soca Drupatee Ramgoonai actually has two songs by the name of Balama. The below song was released in 2017, produced by Big
Rich and the Pungalunks Factory as part of Chatak Matak, a series of traditional chutney songs sung by contemporary artists. The song is a bidesia,
a traditional UP/Bihari folk song expressing longing for the migrants who left their homeland (presumably in the context of indentureship). The song is
from the perspective of a woman whose husband has gone abroad.

आय सारी रतिया निंदिया ना आवे (अरे बहिनिया, लेकिन क्यों)
All night sleep does not come (Oh, but why, sister?)
हाय दया!
Oh my god! (also translated as “Lord have mercy”)
बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा
My beloved has gone abroad
बलमा मोरे, बलमा मोरे, बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा
बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा
बलमा गइले बिदेसवा (2x)
My beloved went abroad
बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा (2x)
ओ बलमा, बलमा, बलमा, बलमा
O beloved, O beloved, O beloved, O beloved

सारी रतिया निंदिया ना आवे, निंदिया ना आवे (2x)
All night sleep does not come
रिमझिम नया नवा बरसे
New drizzles and rains arrive

बलमा मोरे, बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा
My beloved has gone abroad
बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा
My beloved has gone abroad

बिन सैया मोरे दिल में आग है (2x)
Without my lover, there is fire in my heart
सारी महिनवा क्या करु में
What do I do all month?
बलमा मोरे, बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा
My beloved has gone abroad

ओ मोरे राजा वापस आजा, वापस आजा (2x )
Oh my king, please come back, come back
दिल के आग भूजावो रे
Parch the fire in my heart

बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा (2x)
My beloved has gone abroad
बलमा गइले बिदेसवा (2x)
My beloved went abroad
बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा (2x)
ओ बलमा, बलमा, बलमा, बलमा (4x)
O beloved, O beloved, O beloved, O beloved
बलमा मोरे गइले बिदेसवा (4x)

Hindustani Words and Meanings
Balama/balma – beloved/lover
Bides/Bidesawa – abroad, foreign land
Hay daya – Have mercy/oh my god
Saiya – beloved lover
Rimjhim – drizzle
Barasaawe (barse) – to rain (it rains)
Neend (nindiya) – sleep
Mahina (mahinawa) – month
Aawe – to come
Vaapas aaja – come back
Aag – fire
Raaja – king

More Lalan Ke Moeran by Motimala Bholasing Translated & Transliterated

More Lalan Ke Moeran by Motimala Bholasing Translated & Transliterated Thanks to Karan Menon

More Lalan Ke Moeran is a sohar, a traditional Bhojpuri folk song celebrating the birth of a child sung by Indo-Surinamese singer Motimala Bholasing. The songs concerns the “moeran”(mundan in Hindi), the ritual first haircut of a Hindu infant. The lyrics are fairly simple to understand and contain a lot of repetition, so this is a great song to listen to as someone who is a beginner in Caribbean Hindustani or new to Indo-Caribbean culture. Keep your eye out for wordspertaining to the family.

बाजे बधाइयाँ,  अरे बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Give the congratulations, give the congratulations

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (3x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

बाजे बधाइयाँ,  की बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Give the congratulations, give the congratulations (to the child)

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (3x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

मूरन कराने आये ललना के आजा, मूरन कराने आये ललना के आजी (2x)

The little one’s paternal grandfather came to do the moeran. The little one’s paternal grandmother came to do the moeran.

उनकर पोता के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर  पोतीं नांदिन के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their grandson’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their granddaughter’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मूरन कराने आये ललना के नाना, मूरन कराने आये ललना के नानी (2x)

The little one’s maternal grandfather came to do the moeran. The little one’s maternal grandmother came to do the moeran.

उनकर नाती के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर नातिन के मूरन है आज, बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their grandson’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their granddaughter’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

मूरन कराने आये ललना के पूवा, मूरन कराने आये ललना के पूफा

The little one’s aunt (father’s sister) came to do the moeran. The little one’s uncle (father’s sister’s husband) came to do the moeran.

मूरन कराने आये ललना के काका, मूरन कराने आये ललना के काकी

The little one’s uncle (father’s brother) came to do the moeran. The little one’s aunt (father’s brother’s wife) came to do the moeran.

उनकर बेटा के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर बेटी के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their son’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their daughter’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

मूरन कराने आये ललना के मौसी, मूरन कराने आये ललना के मौसा

The little one’s aunt (mother’s sister) came to do the moeran. The little one’s uncle (mother’s sister’s husband) came to do the moeran.

मूरन कराने आये ललना के मामा, मूरन कराने आये ललना के मामी

The little one’s uncle (mother’s brother) came to do the moeran. The little one’s aunt (mother’s brother’s wife) came to do the moeran.

उनकर बहिने के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ, उनकर बहिने के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ

Today is their nephew’s moeran, give the congratulations. Today is their niece’s moeran, give the congratulations.

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

बाजे बधाइयाँ,  की बाजे बधाइयाँ (2x)

Give the congratulations, give the congratulations (to the child)

मोरे लालन के मूरन है आज बाजे बधाइयाँ (3x)

Today is my child’s moeran (first haircut), give the congratulations

Notes: Family related words are among the few Caribbean Hindustani nouns that may distinguish between gender. Male and female nouns referring to family members can sometimes be differentiated by the endings -a and -i (nana/aaja being a grandfather, and nani/aaji being a grandmother). However, if the male noun ends with an -i, the female counterpart ends with an -in (naati being grandson, naatin being granddaughter). You’ll see some male words ending in -a whose female counterpart ends with an -in as well (i.e. dulaha for groom, dulahin for bridge).

The words pota and naati are synonymous (meaning grandson) as are the words potin and naatin (meaning granddaughter)

Also, Bhojpuri does not have a unique word to represent niece and nephew, so beta (son) and beti (daughter) are used to represent the parent-like relationship between aunt/uncle and niece/nephew. The word bahine, which comes from the word for sister, also means both niece and nephew. However, with the influence of Hindi, bhateej and bhateejin are also used to represent nephew and niece respectively.

Bahuwa Chaleli (1985) by Sundar Popo Translated & Transliterated

Bahuwa Chaleli (1985) by Sundar Popo Translated & Transliterated Thanks to Karan Menon

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।  (2x)

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

महलो में रोवे तू महलो में रोवे (2x)

You’re crying in the big building/house.

देहरी में सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे

My beloved was seen suskaying (sobbing) while crying with her head on the earthen pot

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

कोटे में रोवे कोठारिया में रोवे।(2x)

You’re crying in the coat, you’re crying in the closet/chamber

सहजे के सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

My beloved was seen suskaying(sobbing) while crying with her head on the bed

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

बाघों में रोवे बगीचों में रोवे।(2x)

You’re crying in the parks, you’re crying in the gardens

निंबुला में सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

My beloved was seeing suskaying (sobbing) while crying with her head on the lemon tree

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

सेजिया में रोवे सजरिया में रोवे (2x)

You’re crying on the bed, you’re crying on the marital bed

तकिया में सिर देखे मारे बालम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

My beloved was seeing suskaying (sobbing) while crying with her head on the pillow

बहुवा चलेली नहीं घरवा बलम सुसुकि देखि रोवे।

The daughter-in-law did not go home. My beloved was seen suskaying (to inhale when crying or sobbing) while crying

Lyrics for Dotishboy sung by Sundar Popo

Lyrics for Dotishboy sung by Sundar Popo. Thanks to Karan Menon

चलबो की नाही, तु ना चलबो की नाही
Coming or not, are you coming or not?
हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (4x)
Are you coming with me or not?

चलबो की नाही, तु ना चलबो की नाही
Coming or not, are you coming or not?
हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (2x)
Are you coming with me or not?

[Verse 1]
हमने विलिज में कोहरा बहुत है (4x)
In my village there are a lot of pumpkins

हम तू अब तु ना व्याजबे की नाही
Will we fan each other or not?

हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (4x)
Are you coming with me or not?

चलबो की नाही, तु ना चलबो की नाही
Coming or not, are you coming or not?
हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (2x)
Are you coming with me or not?

[Verse 2]
हमने विलिज ओकरो बहुत है (4x)
In my village there is a lot of okra (lady’s finger)

हम तू अब तु ना व्याजबे की नाही
Will we fan each other or not?

हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (4x)
Are you coming with me or not?

चलबो की नाही, तु ना चलबो की नाही
Coming or not, are you coming or not?
हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (2x)
Are you coming with me or not?

[Verse 3]
हमने विलिज बोडी बहुत है (4x)
In my village there is a lot of bodi (string bean)

हम तू अब तु ना व्याजबे की नाही
Will we fan each other or not?

हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (4x)
Are you coming with me or not?

चलबो की नाही, तु ना चलबो की नाही
Coming or not, are you coming or not?
हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (2x)
Are you coming with me or not?

[Verse 4]
हमने विलिज में बैगन बहुत है (4x)
In my village there are a lot of eggplants(aubergines)

हम तू अब तु ना व्याजबे की नाही
Will we fan each other or not?

हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (4x)
Are you coming with me or not?

चलबो की नाही, तु ना चलबो की नाही
Coming or not, are you coming or not?
हमार संघे तु ना चलबो की नाही (2x)
Are you coming with me or not?

Lyrics For | HUM KA KARI | हम का करीं | By Raj Mohan & Ragga Menno

Lyrics For | HUM KA KARI | हम का करीं | By Raj Mohan & Ragga Menno| Thanks To Karan Menon

आय कोरोना बा
COVID-19 has come
दुनिया के भर चाइर बा
All around the world there is…
सबके मूड इ खाइर बा
Everyone is talking about this
हम ना जानी दे मढ़िया इ रौआ का
I don’t know when I can meet you
कहा से आइल बा?
Where did it come from?

हम का करि, का करि, का करि
What should I do?
अरे हम का करि, का करि, का करि
Hey, what should I do?
अब हम का करि, का करि, का करि
What should I do now?
न जाने का करि, का करि, का करि
I don’t know what to do.

इ तो कोरोना बा, ना इ खिलौना बा
This is the coronavirus, not a toy!
इससे तकर ना मार पीस लैले अपन हार
If we don’t kill it, it will defeat us
कोइके हाथ ना मिलाये, सबके बुद्धिये नमस्कार
Don’t touch each other’s hands, but send my greetings to the elders
कोई ? न लगाइये, सबसे दूर तुलक राहिले
? , maintain social distancing
अपन हाथ मोइसे धोये, नहीं बस्ताई के रोये
Wash your hands well, or else cry
थोड़ा बीमार देखोये, सीदा दातरार के जाइये
If you seem a bit sick, then go away (isolate yourself)
कोइके पास तु ना जाइये, मुहवा बंद करके रखिये
Don’t go near anyone, keep your mouth closed
न छिकये, न पादये न ? यार
Don’t sneeze, don’t fart, don’t ?, friend
इ तो कोरोना बा सबको घर दे बीमार
This coronavirus is giving sickness to every house
के पारी सुनके जोई बोले सरकारी
Listen to what the government says about this
तोह कोरोना बा से ना कर खिलवार
Don’t play around with this coronavirus
बतिया इ से बात हम का करि यार
I’m telling you what we are doing

हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अरे हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अब हम का करि, का करि, का करि
न जाने का करि, का करि, का करि

सबको कोसिस कर, और रहो अपना घर
Everyone put your effort and stay at home
जो तू बहरे न जाइये, कोरोना तू ना पाइए
If you don’t go out, corona won’t get you
तोर घर में सफाई, तो कोरोना भी न आई
If you keep your house clean, then corona won’t come either

इ कोरोना कसूर, के हम सबसे होला दूर
Because of this coronavirus, we got to stay far from others
आजा आजी से दूर, नाना नानी से दूर
Away from paternal and maternal grandparents
सब कोरोनिया से दूर, मैया बप्पा से दूर
Away from all coronaviruses, away from mom and dad
ना ही फिक लगे हमके बाकी कर एक पार इ
If we don’t feel well, we should do this

हमें हिम्मत बांध के लड़ेक पर इ, सबके साहेक पर इ
With strength we should fight together against this virus
तबके लड़ेक पर इ, मिल झूल के सात फिर मारेक पर इ
Once we fight this [virus], we can
इ जो कोरोना बाई, इससे ना कर खिलवार
Don’t play around with this coronavirus
बतिया ऐसे बात हम का करि यार?
I’m telling you what we are doing

हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अरे हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अब हम का करि, का करि, का करि
न जाने का करि, का करि, का करि

भाग यहाँ से! (Go away from here!)

हम ना खेल बाप अब तू चल
I’m not playing dad now you come
फिर हमके मार्डीस ता भोजा बेहाल
Otherwise our mouths will send suffering (i.e. coughing and sneezing)
हम तो घरे बैठक न मांगे इ बबाल
Sitting at home we don’t want this ?
से मांगी जाई दात्र और मैं ही असहोंडाल (हम का सुनीला?)
It will require distance and hospitals (what did I hear?)
सुन सुन हमार मामा-ममी, मौसा-मौसी
Listen our maternal aunts and uncles
हमार भाइयो बहिनो तांता ॐ और पड़ोसीन
Our brothers and sisters and our neighbors
हमार संघात यार (अच्छा?)
Our community, friends (really?)
हमार आजा-आजी, नाना-नानी, बुआ फूफा और जे के ना जानी
Our paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents, paternal aunt and uncle and even those we don’t know
हम बिन की दुआ अरे सबसे करि
We will pass this virus if everyone does this
इ कोरोना से देखो कोई ना मरी
Let’s make sure that no one dies from this coronavirus
जब सब कोई मिल के साथे लड़ी
When everyone fights together
बतिया अईसे बात तब हम का करि
I’m telling you what we are doing

हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अरे हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अब हम का करि, का करि, का करि
न जाने का करि, का करि, का करि

हम चल मचलवा दुनिया में
(Here the virus is talking and saying that it will go around the world)

हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अरे हम का करि, का करि, का करि
अब हम का करि, का करि, का करि
न जाने का करि, का करि, का करि

भाग यहाँ से, भाग यहाँ से! (Go away from here!)

हम का करि, का करि, का करि
(What should I do?)
अरे हम का करि, का करि, का करि
(He what should I do?)

का कर पाइये बॉय!
(Do something boy!)